Do you want Videos, MP3s, Software, Games and Erotica, want to talk about your favourite Topics, but still torture yourself with common file sharing tools like BitTorrent or eDonkey?
We offer very fast, anonymous and uncensored access to Usenet – the mother of all file sharing services. With UseNeXT’s unique software, you get an easy-to-use access to Usenet, that used to be so complicated that only internet experts could use it - until now.
-Greater Speed
Download without time limit and full bandwidth right from the start – up to 25 Mbps with DSL/Cable!
-More Security
100% anonymous access to uncensored files. Nobody has access to your files, and there are no security gaps!
-More Choices
Access to one of the world’s largest Usenet archives: More than 300 Terabytes of data available at all times, with 2,000 Gigabytes of new files added daily!
-The Easy Way
With our specially designed free UseNeXT software and the know-how you’ll find in the member area, you can start right away!
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