
For Member
Paid emails from $0.005 - $0.20! (All CASH and No Point. More for special campaigns)
$1 signup bonus!
Low Payout! - $5( Payment made within 48 hrs via PayPal, E-gold)
Option to redeem earnings to any advertising package (minimum amount = advertising package price!)
...and much more to come!

For Advertirtisers
CAN-SPAM hassle free (All receipient are volunteered to Opt-In to receive your commericial AD.)
Low Rate - Rate starts from $0.007 per email
Ways to advertise: opt-in email, paid clicks, banner, pop-up, pop-under, links and combined packages
Flexible plans to fit everyone's needs
Guaranteed hits
Friendly customer service
Current special: purchase a link placement in 'Recommended sites' section and it will be placed for 45 days instead of 30!

Click Here

Other for Make Money from Paid to Click